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The image shows a closeup of hands scooping water from a large body of water. The water is running through the fingers and back into the sea or lake. Layered on top of the image is the logo for the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation.

PawCo & Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water & Sanitation

Today, we’re excited to share how PawCo is making a positive impact on one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – specifically, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.   Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations established the Sustainable…

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The image depicts the logo for SDG2, Zero Hunger. In the background are hands reaching for food.

PawCo and Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Today, we’re excited to share how PawCo is making a positive impact on one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – specifically, Goal 2: Zero Hunger. Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals…

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PawCo and Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty

Today, we’re excited to share how PawCo is making a positive impact on one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – specifically, Goal 1: No Poverty. Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals…

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World Environment Day 2024: Join #GenerationRestoration!

Hey there, fellow earth lovers! 🌍 It’s that time of year again—World Environment Day is just around the corner on June 5th! This year, we’re incredibly excited because the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is hosting the global celebration, focusing on the critical issues of land restoration, desertification,…

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Earth Day: Embracing Sustainability with PawCo’s Vegan Dog Food

As Earth Day (April 22nd) approaches, it’s time to consider not just our environmental impact but that of our dogs as well. The companion animal food industry, especially meat-based products, plays a significant role in environmental degradation. This article explores how transitioning…

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World Environment Day: PawCo Vs. Plastic Pollution

This June 5th, we recognize an important global event—World Environment Day. This year, the focus is on beating plastic pollution (official hashtag: #BeatPlasticPollution), an initiative that resonates deeply with us at PawCo. But what does this have to do with our four-legged…

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PawCo’s Commitment to the Environment

Are you gearing up to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd? As part of Earth Month, people are increasingly adopting plant-based diets for themselves, recognizing the environmental benefits of reducing their meat consumption. As a responsible pet parent, have you ever considered…

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Reduce Your Pet’s Water Footprint with Plant-Based Food

Introduction Water is one of the most precious resources on our planet, but it is also finite, meaning it’s not unlimited. As our population grows and our climate changes, water scarcity is becoming a significant issue worldwide. One of the biggest culprits…

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